Saturday 28 January 2012

Cinnamon Buns 2 Pans - one with Pecans and one without

I am taking Lauren into Toronto to see my wonderful nephew by marriage who is an optometrist.  He is only there every other Saturday and is staying late today to see us.  This means that my niece who has three little ones is going to be left on her own with the kiddies a little longer than usual.  I am taking in a pan of Cinnamon Buns as a "thank you" for both of them.

My recipe makes two 9" round "pans" of buns.  One for us, one for them am baking for them as well.  I like to make them in the round pans as you can easily invert them onto a plate and they look nice for serving.  I am going to run out to the dollar store while they are rising and get a plate to put the "gift" pan on.

My 3 year old niece is allergic to nuts so I am not putting any pecans on theirs.  We however love nuts so ours are getting pecans on top.

Yeast is so easy to work with.  I think baking with yeast is easier than making a cake.  If the dough is too sticky - if the processor stops or is labouring - add more flour.  If you leave it a half hour longer to rise, not a problem.  If you have to go out longer in the middle of either rising time, put it in the fridge to bake later.  Sweet yeast dough doesn't rise as much or as fast.  I am always worried the buns will not fill out the pan when done - they always do.

Your house will smell fabulous, no candle can come close.

Cinnamon Buns


1 tablespoon quick rise yeast
1/4 cup hot tap water
1 teaspoon sugar
3 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup softened butter cut into chunks
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs at room temperature
1 teaspoon salt
Hot tap water (about 1/2 cup)
1 tablespoon vegetable oil

Sticky Topping
1/4 cup honey
1 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup softened butter cut into pieces
1/2 cup (or more) Pecans - either halves or chopped.

1/3 cup softened butter
2 cups brown sugar
2 tablespoons cinnamon


In a measuring cup place 1/4 cup hot tap water, mix in yeast and sugar.
Leave until foamy.
Meanwhile in processor with metal blade add flour, salt, sugar, eggs and butter, with machine running add yeast mixture.  In the same measuring cup as the yeast mixture was in add hot tap water.  With machine still running add hot water through the feed tube until the dough forms a ball around the blade.  
Put oil in a large bowl and swish it around.  Place dough in bowl, swish it around to cover it with oil then turn it over (so it is all lightly covered in oil and will not stick).  Cover with plastic wrap and then a tea towel.  Place in the warmest spot in your kitchen.
Let rise for 1 hour.
Make Sticky Topping by putting butter, honey and brown sugar in a bowl.  Put the bowl in the microwave for about 40 seconds.   Take the bowl out and stir.  If the butter is not melted then put the bowl back for another 20 seconds and keep doing so until the butter is melted and the mixture is smooth.
Mix the cinnamon and brown sugar in a small bowl and set aside.
Punch dough down and divide in half.  Roll out to a 10 x 13 inch rectangle.   Spread with half the butter, then spread with half of the brown sugar cinnamon mixture press the mixture into the dough.
Roll up the dough pinching the edges to keep the cinnamon mixture in.
Cut in half then cut each half in half then cut each quarter in half.
Place half the Sticky Topping and the nuts (if using) in the bottom of a 9 inch round cake pan that has been sprayed with a non stick spray.
Put a bun from one of the ends in the middle, cut side down.
Place the other buns around it spaced evenly seam side in and for the other end make sure it is cut side down as well.  (Press the seam into the bun if necessary)
Repeat with the other half of the dough.
Cover with plastic wrap and then a tea towel and place in the warmest spot in your kitchen.  Let rise for 1 hour. 
If they do not appear to have risen very much do not worry.
Bake at 350 (convection if you have it) for about 40 minutes until browned (check at 30 minutes or it may take 45 minutes in your oven as every oven is different).
Put plate on top of buns. With oven gloves on turn upside down to invert buns onto the plate.  Let cool at least 15 minutes before eating (molten sticky topping will burn your mouth)


  1. As the aforementioned niece, these are truly delicious! In fact, that wonderful optometrist ate about 3 before he brought them home! They are so amazing - the dough is light and the toping is perfect! We can't wait for the next appointment! Thank you!

  2. I told your husband that you knew I had made them. He was not happy as that meant he had to share.
    I am so glad you all enjoyed them.
    Now you have the recipe, you can make them yourself.
